3D Awards by CGarchitect

The “official rules” for CGarchitect 2024 CGarchitect 3D Awards.

No purchase necessary to enter or to win.
The 2024 CGarchitect 3D Awards Contest (the "Contest") is sponsored by CGarchitect Digital Media Corp. (the “Sponsor”).
  • Aug 18 - Sep 01
    Submissions are opened
  • Sep 02 - Sep 11
    Judging round
  • Sep 16
    Official nominees announced
  • Oct 06
    Winners announced

Submission Deadlines / Important Dates

  • Call for Submissions: August 18 – August 31 (23:59 Brasília Time / UTC/GMT -3)
  • Judging Round: September 1 – September 7
  • Official Nominees Announced: September 14
  • Live Awards Ceremony: October 5
This year the 3D Awards will be presented on stage at the World Visualization Festival (WVF) in Warsaw, Poland.

  • Winners Announced Online: October 5

Category Types

 The CGarchitect 3D Awards have six separate categories: Image Commissioned, Image Non-Commissioned, Film/Animation, Interactive, Viz Pro of the Year, and Studio of the Year

It is very important that you submit your work to the correct category to ensure your entry is not disqualified.

Image Categories

The two image categories are divided as follows:

Commissioned: This category is meant ONLY for work created by a professional (company or individual)  that has been commissioned by someone who has paid for or otherwise obtained your services to create the piece you are submitting. This type of work is likely to have been created by a professional for a commercial project. 

Non-Commissioned: This category is meant ONLY for work created by a professional (company or individual)  that has NOT been commissioned by someone who has paid for or otherwise obtained your services to create the piece you are submitting. This type of work is likely to have been created by a professional for a personal project or, as a studio, as an internal project. This might be in the capacity of a visualization studio, or an in-house visualization artist working on an in-house project.


This category is meant ONLY for work created by a professional (company or individual)  that may have been commissioned by someone who has paid for or otherwise obtained your services to create the piece you are submitting. This type of work is likely to have been created by a professional for a commercial project. This might be in the capacity of a visualization studio, or an in-house visualization artist working on an in-house project. 

If you are a student and wishe to participate, we strongly encourage you to submit your work to the next 3D Student Awards.

Interactive/AR/VR/Emerging Technologies

This category is meant for any project that uses interactive technologies to communicate architecture, architectural design or architectural marketing. This category is meant for interactive kiosks, augmented reality, virtual reality, mobile applications, interactive web applications, real-time apps or any new technology (hardware or software) that is used to communicate design and architecture.

Studio of the Year

The Studio of the Year category is designed to recognize and celebrate the incredible work produced by top studios around the world while also shining a spotlight on smaller studios that demonstrate exceptional quality and creativity.

Eligibility: Participating studios may submit one (1) commissioned image that was produced between September 30, 2023, and August 01, 2024. This image should represent the actual work completed by the studio over the past year.

Originality: The submitted image must be unique and cannot be entered into any other category within the 3D Awards. It should showcase the studio's distinct style and technical prowess.

This category aims to acknowledge the excellence of well-established studios and provide a platform for emerging studios to gain recognition for their outstanding contributions to the industry. We encourage all studios, regardless of size, to submit their best work and share their artistic vision with the global community.

Viz Pro of the Year

The Viz Pro of the Year category celebrates the remarkable talent and creativity of individual artists in the field of architectural visualization. This category highlights those who have consistently demonstrated excellence through their work.

Individual Artists Only: This category is open exclusively to individual artists; studio submissions are not permitted.

Submission Limit: Each participant may submit one (1) image for consideration.

Award Eligibility: Only images that have previously been awarded the "Viz Pro of the Week" award during the 2023/2024 cycle are eligible for submission.

This category aims to honor individual creativity and innovation, recognizing those artists who have set themselves apart with outstanding visual storytelling and technical skill. We invite eligible artists to showcase their award-winning work and compete for this prestigious title.

AI Tools Disclaimer

The use of AI tools in image creation is allowed, but participants must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure transparency and originality:

  • Disclosure: Any use of AI tools in the creation of submitted images must be fully disclosed during the submission process. Participants should clearly indicate which aspects of the image were generated or enhanced using AI.

  • Originality: While AI tools can assist in the creative process, submissions must reflect the unique artistic vision and input of the participant. The final work should demonstrate the artist's originality and creative decision-making.

  • Ownership: Participants must own the rights to all elements of the image, including any components generated by AI tools. Submissions that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others will be disqualified.

  • Ethical Use: The use of AI tools should adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring that the technology is used responsibly and does not compromise the integrity of the artwork.

By participating in the 3D Awards, artists acknowledge and agree to these guidelines regarding the use of AI tools. This approach aims to balance innovation and creativity, ensuring that the awards continue to celebrate genuine artistic achievements.

General Rules

  1. By submitting you agree that CGarchitect Digital Media Corp. (CGarchitect.com/CGarchitect) and its designated sponsors may use your submission(s), fully credited, for promotional purposes on their websites and/or marketing collateral. You will retain all copyrights to your work.

  2. As a condition of awarding a Prize, winners grant to Sponsor the right to use his/her full name (first and last), image and likeness, voice, and comments for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes without territorial, time or use limitations, including without limitation online announcements, without additional compensation or notice, unless prohibited by law.

  3. Any submission must have been created in 2023 or 2024 or made public in 2023 or 2024. There are no restrictions on submitting entries that have been submitted to other competitions or previously published in public.

  4. By submitting to the 2024 CGarchitect 3Dawards Contest, you warrant that you have obtained permission to submit the works for public display. If your submissions are selected they will not be displayed publicly until September 13, 2024.

  5. Any award category that does not receive sufficient applicable entries will be removed from the competition or merged with another applicable category at the Sponsor's sole discretion.

  6. By entering this Contest, entrants agree to abide by these Official Rules. The decisions of the Sponsor and its appointed judges with respect to all aspects of the Contest are final and binding.

  7. By entering the Contest, entrants thereby release the Sponsor, their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, and their employees, representatives, agents, partners, shareholders, officers and directors (the “Releasees”) from all liability including responsibility for any loss, damage or injury, caused by participating or their attempt to participate in the Contest or resulting from acceptance of the Prize or participation in the Event.

  8. The Releasees assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries. The Releasees are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or telephone lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received by the Sponsor on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site, or any combination thereof, including any damage to participant’s or any other person’s computer and other property relating to or resulting from participation in this Contest or from downloading any materials in this Contest.


  10. The Sponsor reserves the right at all times at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, in whole or in part, in the event of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor that interferes with the proper conduct of the Contest as contemplated by the Official Rules, including, without limitation, any error, technical problem, computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure, or any other cause including the cancellation or postponement of the Event.

  11. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who (i) tampers with, or attempts to tamper with, the entry process; (ii) enters the Contest or tries to do so by any means contrary to these Official Rules or which would be unfair to the other entrants; or (iii) violates any of these Official Rules.

  12. By entering this Contest, each entrant consents to the collection, use, and disclosure, by the Sponsor, of the following personal information: full name (first and last), submitted entry information,  and contact information (telephone number, address, and email address) for the administration of this Contest including, but not limited to, the announcement of winners and awarding and delivery of a Prize. No commercial or other communications unrelated to the Contest will be sent to entrants unless they have otherwise agreed to receive such communications.

  13. This Contest is subject to all applicable laws and regulations and void where prohibited. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the Official Rules or the rights and obligations as between the entrant and the Sponsor in connection with the Contest will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Alberta, including procedural provisions, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’s laws. If a section of the Official Rules is declared illegal, unenforceable or invalid by a competent court, that section shall be considered invalid, but all unaffected sections will be applied within the limits of the law.

  14. By submitting to the 2024 CGarchitect 3D Awards Contest you agree to create a "Making Of" article for the Sponsor if requested.

How to Enter and be Eligible for a Prize

  1. To enter the Contest and be eligible for a Prize you must have a CGarchitect account and submit an image or film to one of our six (6) categories or any special categories. Participants may submit up to 5 submissions per category.

  2. Competition judges or their respective companies may submit to the competition, however, they will not be able to vote on their own submissions. In the event that a judge's submission is selected as a category nominee, all of their competition votes for that category will be removed from consideration. In the event that more than three judges' submissions are selected as category nominees, replacement judges may be selected to vote in their place.

  3. All submissions must be received no later than August 31 (23:59 Brasilia Time / UTC-3). In the event of technical issues during the submission process, CGarchitect at its sole discretion may accept submissions up to 24 hours past the submission deadline. Once submissions have been released to the judges, all incomplete submissions are disqualified from consideration.


  1. The prizes awarded to each winner, nominee and participant are detailed on our prizes page.  In some cases, prize values are listed as the cumulative total and not the individual prize total for any given category or winner. Prize values are approximate.

  2. Prizes must be accepted as awarded, are not transferable or convertible to cash. The Sponsor reserves the right at any time to substitute a Prize or a component thereof for any reason with a Prize or a prize component of equal or greater value, or the value of the Prize in cash as indicated in these Official Rules.

  3. Due to embargoes and import rules, some prizes may not be shipped to the winner's country of residence. You will be notified if you reside in an embargoed country. In such an event, there will be no cash or alternate prize awarded.

  4. Some physically shipped prizes may incur taxes or import duties depending upon the winner's country of residence. The winner is responsible for all such fees and duties.  Should the winner elect not to pay those fees, the prize will not be shipped and no cash or equivalent prize will be awarded.

  5. Some prizes may be awarded randomly as indicated on the prizes page.

Winner Selection

Winners are selected based on scoring and shortlisting performed by the panel of expert judges and the Sponsor. Their decision is final and binding.  Shortlisted submissions will be scored on the following criteria:

Scoring Criteria for Image Categories

The image categories have two scoring criteria: “Quality of the Rendering” and “Overall Impression.”

  1. Quality of the Rendering:
    This criterion reflects the artist's approach to look development, including materials, modeling, composition, lighting, mood, and the overall presentation of the subject matter.

  2. Overall Impression:
    This criterion considers the sum of composition, lighting, mood, modeling, texturing, technical difficulty, and the overall impact and impression of the work.

Scoring Criteria for Film Categories

The film categories have three scoring criteria: “Visual Quality,” “Editing,” and “Overall Impression.”

  1. Visual Quality:
    This criterion reflects the integration of all visual elements that contribute to the film, including cinematography, lighting, mood, modeling, and texturing.

  2. Editing:
    This score reflects the quality of the film's editing, including cuts, music, timing, and how the editing contributes to the overall story and narrative flow of the film.

  3. Overall Impression:
    This criterion takes into consideration the film's cinematography, lighting, mood, modeling, texturing, technical difficulty, editing, and the overall impact and impression of the work.

Scoring Criteria for Interactive Category

The Interactive category is scored on three criteria: “Interactive Elements,” “Overall Impression,” and “User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX).”

  1. Interactive Elements:
    This criterion reflects the originality and ingenuity in the use of interactive elements within the presentation.

  2. Overall Impression:
    This criterion considers the overall impact of the project, including the use of technology in its execution and delivery.

  3. User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX):
    This criterion evaluates the design of an intuitive and appropriate user interface (UI) and the logical, intuitive, and informative design of the user experience (UX).

 Finally, all nominated entries must abide by the Awards' rules. The Jury may disqualify any entries that are non-compliant at any point during the contest, even after the nominees have been publicly announced. 

Originality Scoring & Nominee/Winner Selections

Originality is scored on all submissions in all categories and counts for 25-50% of the overall score. The CGarchitect 3D Awards have been designed from inception to reward works that elevate and inspire the industry through originality, which is why it heavily contributes to the overall score.  

Since the 2021 Awards there is the requirement to document all sources of inspiration and influence (including links to the sources being referenced) if your submission is substantively similar to other artistic works regardless of their origin or medium. The following is a non-exclusive list of examples where you must document your sources of inspiration or influence:

  • Replication, duplication or copying of an existing photo, film or CGI in its entirety or in a way that would be interpreted as having been copied.
  • Substantive copying of colour grading, composition, editing, or content of existing artistic work. 
  • Borrowing unique and recognizable elements of existing artistic works.
  • Submitting non-original works that were provided as part of a school project are not allowed to be submitted. For example: you were provided all or parts of the scene being submitted or most or all of the settings/setups/materials/shaders were provided to you. YOU must create your scene.
If you are unsure, it is better to document influences and references, with links, so our judges can establish the originality of your submission.

If any submission is determined to have substantively borrowed from another artistic work and it has not been documented, all of your submissions will be disqualified from the competition in all categories.

Winner Notification

Sponsors will attempt to contact each selected winner, nominee, entrant by email in October/November 2024.
Any winner found not in compliance with these Official Rules; will be disqualified and will forfeit the Prize and, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion, an alternate entrant may be selected until the selected entrant meets all the qualifications outlined in these Official Rules and can be declared a winner. The Sponsors will not be responsible for failed attempts to contact a selected entrant as each participant is responsible for the accuracy of the provided contact information. Any prize not collected by December 2024, will be considered forfeited.

Image Submissions Rules

  1. Submission Limit: Each company, person, or group may submit a maximum of 5 images.
  2. Creation Date Requirement: Images must have been created in 2023 or 2024 or made public in 2023 or 2024. Any images determined to have been created before this period will be disqualified.
  3. Variations of the Same Project: Do not submit multiple views of the same project unless they are significantly different from one another.
  4. Image Size: Images must be a minimum of 1500 pixels in the smallest dimension.
  5. Watermarks and Logos: Images must not be watermarked with recognizable company logos or names. If the creator is discernible in a watermark, the image will be disqualified.
  6. Multiple Images from the Same Source: If multiple images from the same company, person, or group are scored in the top 5 nominees for the image category, only the highest scoring image will be selected.
  7. Sub-Categories: There are two sub-categories for the Image category: Commissioned and Non-Commissioned work. If an image is submitted to the incorrect category, it will be disqualified. Please see the category description at the top of this page for more detailed information.
  8. Commissioned Category Eligibility: Any work created by a professional (company or individual), either paid or personal. If you are a student, but you were commissioned or paid to create the image, you must submit to the Professional category.
  9. Non-Commissioned Category Eligibility: Any work created by a studio or individual not for a commercial project should be submitted to the Non-Commissioned Image category. You cannot be paid or compensated for any work submitted to this category. 
  10. Viz Pro of the Year: Images submitted to this category must have been featured on CGarchitect.com as a Viz Pro of the Week during 2023/2024 and cannot be the work of a studio (only individuals are eligible). Images that do not meet that criterion will be automatically disqualified.
  11. Studio of the Year:  Images submitted to this category must have been created by studios as a non-commercial/internal work during 2023/2024 and cannot be the work of an individual (only studios are eligible). Images that do not meet that criterion will be automatically disqualified.

Animation/Film Submission Rules

  1. Submission Limit:

    • Each company, person, or group may submit a maximum of five (5) films/animations.
  2. Creation Date Requirement:

    • Films/animations must have been created in 2023 or 2024, or made public in 2023 or 2024. Any films/animations determined to have been created before this period will be disqualified.
  3. Submission Format and Resolution:

    • All submissions must be in QuickTime MOV or MP4 format.
    • The minimum resolution should be Full HD (1920 x 1080).
    • If your footage was not rendered in HD, it will still be accepted; however, during judging, entries in HD resolution may be given preference.
  4. Single Project Per Submission:

    • Demo reels or compilations of multiple projects will not be accepted. Only one project or animation can be included per submission.
  5. Watermarks and Logos:

    • Submissions must not contain watermarks with company logos or names. Credits/logos at the beginning or end are accepted but discouraged.
  6. Multiple Projects from the Same Source:

    • If multiple films/animations from the same company, person, or group are scored among the top five nominees for the Animation/Film category, only the highest-scoring film/animation will be selected.
  7. Commissioned Work:

    • Any paid work created by a professional (company or individual) falls into this category.
    • If you are a student but were commissioned or paid to create the film/animation, you must submit to this category.

Interactive/AR/VR/Emerging Technologies Submission Rules

1. Project Submission Limit:

  • Each company, person, or group may submit a maximum of five (5) projects.
2. Creation Date Requirement:

  • Projects must have been created in 2022 or 2023 or made public in those years. Any projects determined to have been created before this period will be disqualified.
3. Submission Format:

  • Submissions must be sent as QuickTime MOV or MP4 videos.
  • Use screen recording software, such as Camtasia or similar tools, to capture the interface and navigation of any real-time scenes, VR/AR experiences, or installations.
  • All projects must be showcased through video to demonstrate the technology in use.
4. Multiple Projects from the Same Source:

  • If multiple interactive projects from the same company, person, or group are scored among the top five nominees for the Interactive category, only the highest-scoring project will be selected.

Viz Pro of the Year Rules

  1. Image Submission Limit:

    • Each company, person, or group may submit a maximum of one (1) image.
  2. Creation Date Requirement:

    • Images must have been created in 2023 or 2024, or made public in those years. Any images determined to have been created before this period will be disqualified.
  3. Eligibility Criterion:

    • To be eligible for the "Viz Pro of the Year" category, the submitted image must have been selected as "Viz Pro of the Week" in 2023 or 2024. Images that were not selected for this accolade will be disqualified.
  4. Image Size:

    • Images must have a minimum of 1,500 pixels in the smallest dimension.
  5. Watermarks and Logos:

    • Images must not contain watermarks with recognizable company logos or names. If the creator is discernible through a watermark, the image will be disqualified.
  6. Multiple Images from the Same Source:

    • If multiple images from the same company, person, or group are scored among the top five nominees for the "Viz Pro of the Year" category, only the highest-scoring image will be selected.
  7. Scoring:

    • The winner will be selected via a popular vote on our website or a suitable platform. Judges will not score the entries but may vote on the aforementioned platform like any other participant.

Studio of the Year Rules

1. Submission Limit:

  • Each participating studio may submit one (1) commissioned image for consideration.
2. Creation Date Requirement:

  • The submitted image must have been produced between September 30, 2023, and August 1, 2024. This image should represent the actual work completed by the studio during the specified period.
3. Originality:

  • The submitted image must be different from any other image submitted to any other category. The image should showcase the studio’s unique style and creativity, highlighting the quality and originality of the work.
4. Representation of Work:

  • The image should accurately represent the studio's capabilities and achievements over the past year. It should reflect the studio's distinct approach to visual storytelling and demonstrate excellence in commissioned work.
5. Disqualification Clause:

  • Any image found to be non-compliant with the rules or submitted to another category will be disqualified.

Use of Artificial Intelligence

The use of AI tools in image creation is allowed, but participants must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure transparency and originality:

  • Disclosure: Any use of AI tools in the creation of submitted images must be fully disclosed during the submission process. Participants should clearly indicate which aspects of the image were generated or enhanced using AI.

  • Originality: While AI tools can assist in the creative process, submissions must reflect the unique artistic vision and input of the participant. The final work should demonstrate the artist's originality and creative decision-making.

  • Ownership: Participants must own the rights to all elements of the image, including any components generated by AI tools. Submissions that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others will be disqualified.

  • Ethical Use: The use of AI tools should adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring that the technology is used responsibly and does not compromise the integrity of the artwork.

By participating in the 3D Awards, artists acknowledge and agree to these guidelines regarding the use of AI tools. This approach aims to balance innovation and creativity, ensuring that the awards continue to celebrate genuine artistic achievements.