3D Awards by CGarchitect

Is there a fee to submit to the competition?

No, there is no fee. It is completely free.

I do not have permissions to show my work until ______. When will my work be shown publicly?

Our current schedule is to announce nominees on September 14, 2024. If your work is nominated we will be making the work public around this timeframe.

Do I need to attend the awards ceremony if I win or am nominated?

While attending the awards ceremony is not mandatory for nominees or winners, it is highly encouraged. Being present at the ceremony provides an excellent opportunity for networking with industry peers, celebrating your achievements, and gaining recognition for your work. It also allows you to participate in media coverage and engage with the architectural visualization community in a meaningful way.

Furthermore, the 2024 3D Awards will take place during the World Visualization Festival, making your presence even more valuable for both the Awards and your career. However, if you are unable to attend, rest assured that your nomination or win will still be recognized and celebrated. We do ask that nominees provide a pre-recorded video to be played on our stage screen in the event of a win, allowing you to give a thank-you speech and connect with the audience remotely.

Does my entry have to be professionally commissioned work to be submitted?

Your entry does not have to be professionally commissioned work unless you are submitting it to categories that specifically require it, such as the 'Studio of the Year' or 'Commissioned Image' categories. Other categories, like 'Viz Pro of the Year,' allow for personal or non-commercial projects, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Please review the specific category rules to ensure your submission aligns with the requirements. 

I created my entry with (insert Software name here) can I still submit?

Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on which software you can use to create your submission(s).

I'm having problems uploading, what other options do I have to submit my work?

While most people do not have problems, slow or unreliable internet connections can sometimes cause the upload process to fail. If this happens to you try to send your upload again from a different connection or browser. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact us at  3dawards@cgarchitect.com.

What is the schedule for the competition?

The competition will follow the following schedule: (Dates Subject to Change)

  • Call for Submissions: August 11 - 31 (23:59 Brasilia Time / UTC-3)
  • Judging Round: September 1 - 7
  • Verification/Validation: September 8 - 13
  • Nominees Announcement: September 14
  • World Visualization Festival (Warsaw, Poland): October 3 - 5 
  • 3D Awards Ceremony and Winners Reveal: 5 October

What are the differences between the various categories?

Please see the detailed descriptions in our competition rules.

My project has been published on another site or in another competition, can I still enter?

 Yes, we do not have any requirements for exclusivity. The only requirements are that the project was created or made public in 2023 or 2024 and has not been submitted to previous Awards. 

When will I receive prizes that were outlined in the prizes section?

Sponsors will attempt to contact each selected winner, nominee, entrant by email in November/December 2024.

I am a student and I created my submissions as part of my class project, can I submit?

Yes, as a student, you can submit your work as long as it meets the eligibility criteria for the category you're entering. If your submission was a class project and not commissioned work, you can enter it in categories that accept non-commercial or personal projects. However, if your project was commissioned or you were paid to create it, you must submit it to the appropriate category for commissioned work.

Although we have no rules against students entering the professional competition, we strongly encourage students to enter the 3D Student Awards next year. This dedicated competition provides a platform specifically designed to showcase student talent and achievements.

Got questions?

If you have any questions about the 3D Awards, please email them to  admin@cgarchitect.com.