3D Awards by CGarchitect
Yuting Zhu
Yuting Zhu
ZHU Yuting is an architect, 3D artist, installation designer, and sound designer. She holds a Master of Architecture degree from Southern California School of Architecture (SCI-Arc), a Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Engineering Science from Columbia University; and graduated from the Gifted Youth Class of Xi’an Jiaotong University without attending high school. As a future-facing designer, Zhu experiments with emerging digital technologies and combines multiple media. Zhu aims to blur the boundary between the digital and the physical world by practicing architectural space, volumetric video, artificial intelligence, and immersive experience. She has worked with fashion brands such as Burberry London and Bosie as a freelancer. In 2021, she co-curated the "New Digital Design", an international forum series to promote post-digital and phygital culture across different design fields. Her work, "Phygital Supermarket Trilogy", and "Block-Chain Factories" have been exhibited in Shanghai, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.
