Ferenc Hallgato
Architects: Ligetvári István and Ligetvári Dorottya
Vizualization: Hallgató Ferenc
This video was made for a client and the purpose of this project was to develope faster visualization process. The main goal was to elinimate the light baking process, which could result very nice and optimized visualization, but it takes a long time to set up and calculate. In my previous works, i usually remodeled the whole building and make the UVs, at this project the architects just send me the ArchiCad files and i used that with some world aligned tiling materials. With the help of the RTX technology i can see the end result immediately and i can make changeses in the lighting dynamically without complicated setups. This video was made about a week, involving the RTX learning curve, previously with light bakeing and the remodelling, it would take up a month for me. The customer and the acrhitects was amazed with the results and with the speed of the process and they told me they ususally got a picture in this time frame, not a 1 minute long video. I learned a lot in this project about the current capabalaty of RTX and how to use it in future projects to achive better results.