Michael Krajewski
Design: Magdalena Kolacz-Krajewska
Animation: DotDesignStudio
Music: MorningLightMusic
An animation for the architecture master thesis by Magdalena Kolacz - Krajewska, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
The subject of the dissertation is the reflection over a vast array of traditions in contemporary architecture. The theoretical part of the work contains a systematization of basic concepts related to the issues of tradition, culture, and memory, and also two main angles on the meaning of tradition in the context of architecture. The first one is related to the concepts that seek connections with the local tradition of architecture - the vernacular architecture and the other streams of the local architecture. The other one examines the subject of tradition in a slightly broader angle based on Siegfried Giedion’s space-time theory of architecture as a key starting point for the subject of the status of tradition in the contemporary architecture. Overriding priority of the thesis was an attempt to distill the qualities, or the attributes of architecture, that could constitute its own language of architecture - describing the space originated from culture and local tradition, understandable and recognizable in a multicultural region. Those attributes, the carriers of the local architectural space, were utilized in the “Center of the Local Culture in Krywe” design process.