Soluis Group
United Kingdom
Soluis Group
The Barcelona Arena was an interactive, virtual reality project for HOK architects. The arena project was part of refurbishment of the original area next to Nou Camp and the space was set up to host baskeyball, handball, roller hockey and football.
Working with the architects we wanted to show the new architecture and layout and therefore created an environment in Unreal Engine 4. This virtual environment allowed users to change branding options in the arena, view the court from various positions within the surrounding lounges, and also play basketball on the court!
We developed this experience for the Oculus CV1 and touch controllers, and additionally on desktop screen using an Xbox controller. There was fantastic feedback from the client who was able to immediately immerse stakeholders in this environment, transporting them into the arena as a spectator and also a player on court, surrounded by the sound and atmosphere of the space.