Jose Uribe
Client: Empire Communities
Title "Avalon community"
The main objective of the video campaign was to engage the audience, create a marketing buzz and increase awareness of the community.
The community video, starts with a playful boy blowing bubbles in the park. A metaphorical scene of dreams taking off and becoming reality which helps to transition into an aerial view of the master planned community. From that moment, the viewer is taken on a journey through a series of activities that the community offers, from a personal POV in order to immerse the viewer into the scenes. Each scene was carefully scripted, storyboarded and produced in order to highlight the essence of the community amenities, connection to existing trails and parks, new landscaped areas as well as the beauty of the Avalon homes. Understanding the target audience, was critical for the success of the campaign, given the level of personalization we were looking to achieve. We segmented the original target demographic, into different groups and each group was assigned a character and a specific activity into the story.