Stefano Sciamarrelli
United Kingdom
Master in Architettura Digitale - MADI
toys in the attic
I have always known that your entire life flashes before your
eyes in the second before you arrive here. First of all, that
one second isn’t a second, at all: it stretches on forever, like
an ocean of time.
For me, it was the day we met, September 21st, 1997. The
holidays we took together in the mountains and by the sea;
and that time we fell into a puddle and got soaked from
head to toe; and the first day of school, and all the new
games; the conquests, and the defeats.
I know I may not be happy with what happened to me,
but it’s very hard to get angry when there have been so
many happy moments together. Sometimes it’s like you’re
living those moments again when you accidentally come
and take a visit through the memories.