Tai Tran, Hien Minh Chau, Hieu Nguyen, 2FVISUAL Co. Ltd.
Rendering Engine
3ds Max Interactive, Corona
Sources of Inspiration and References
Summer echoes.
The inspiration for our love story blossomed during a vacation. The emotions of nostalgia and love are used in many different contexts.
The music we initially chose was also because it revealed so many interesting things that we decided to make a trailer. But when the scene is quickly added, the content is improved to almost match the music and scene. What was surprising was the music we chose as I was able to find out later, its title was "A Summer Place" the same name as a 1959 American romantic drama film based on the 1958 novel of the same name by Sloan Wilson. The content of our movie is similar, which we didn't know before.
We decided to make it a short film.
Video card