Lunas Visualization
Lunas software development department
L-Room is an ingenious configuration software aimed at boosting product sales in a matter of clicks. This customizer can be applied to almost any sphere - car or boat dealerships, furniture manufacturing, lighting, and finishing marketing and many other.
This very version of the software was created for a major Indian textile manufacturer. Their request was to show their products on various surfaces and objects with an ability of closer exploration of each.
As a result, we have compiled a program, consisting of multiple interior options with over a hundred materials uploaded, which can be applied to all the objects: pillows, curtains, armchairs, sofas, poufs. The room can be rotated in a free navigation mode, or explored through multiple preset cameras.
After having decided on the preferred textile combination, the user can create a hi-res rendering taken from the desired angle and either store it locally or send it to the client.